"Brand represents a name, symbol, appellation and design, and can also be the sum of the above elements, mainly to make their products and services ahead of other competitors. Because hotel products and services are not touchable, hotel brand has become an important means of marketing, but also an important way to create huge economic benefits. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more people begin to choose to travel, and they are more interested in choosing brand hotels for consumption, which is also the important value of brand hotels. "
Thus, the importance of hotel design for brand building!
▲AM | Lobby design of Nanhu Resort Hotel in Shaanxi Province
Hotel is a business card of a city, and also another haven for tourists. Its important element is the theme, and each hotel should have its own unique personality. However, in the actual hotel interior decoration design period, the theme of many hotels is not clear, leading to designers can not start, only by their own experience or compared with the design of other hotels, so that the hotel design style is similar, lack of personality.
▲AM | Lobby design of Nanhu Resort Hotel in Shaanxi Province
Whether or not to create a distinctive brand image is an important evaluation index to measure the success of a brand. The reason why the international famous brand can be prosperous is inseparable from its successful brand image maintenance and innovation. Under the guidance of brand core value and brand culture, brand image is implanted into the hearts of consumers through the implementation of various brand management functions, such as brand logo design, brand name combination selection, brand attribute definition, and brand communication scheme formulation.