

Good hotel decoration design gives the mind and body a short pause_AM

Time doesn't turn back. Time doesn't stop

Instead of being busy on the road

Take a short rest in the delicate and comfortable harbor

Let the mind and body have a short pause

Am | lobby design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

▲Am | lobby design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

In the matter of "living", after years of development, the hotel has developed from a simple place for sleeping to a comprehensive space for living, leisure and entertainment, shopping and business communication. According to the standard of five-star hotel, there must be functional areas to meet the needs of customers, such as social, entertainment, health care, recreation and so on.

Am | guest room design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

▲Am | guest room design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

Hotel design is a noble art combining science and culture. Excellent designers can endow architectural space with soul and life through the combination of science and art. Like artists, they can guide and improve people's understanding and pursuit of beauty.

Am | guest room design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

▲Am | guest room design of Weinan Jianguo Hotel

The future of hotel decoration design, must be in line with the contemporary market to carry out innovation and reform, only in line with the consumer acceptance of things is recognized decoration design. We must highlight the characteristics and advantages of the hotel we want to build, and constantly integrate into the people's consumption concept of food, clothing, housing and transportation. From ancient Chinese post stations and inns to modern hotels, guest houses, hotels and B & B, the market is constantly changing. Retain their own personality, without losing creative innovation, reflect their own unique internal culture. It's a place worth thinking about.

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